​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Breaking -    Brookfield Renewables does another deal... Oaktree upped and priced with a delayed funding... Easterly Govt Properties gets done in a tough market...Plenty of names out of Europe... Permira upped... German tower deal coming... Champlain Hudson back again... French fiber deals getting done... PDP deals continue to see demand... District heating sector is still bringing more names.

Recent Headlines
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02/21 Week News:

Real estate fund is back in the market.
UK Airport in the market.
Exelon subsidiaries price talk surfaces.
UK Airport in the market.
UK infrastructure assets company in the market.
An alternative asset manager deal launched.
Natural gas producer back in the market.
Private People Moves:  Legal & General is hiring.
Otter Tail makes a quick return.
Canadian Arena price talk surfaces.
Portland General price talk emerges.
PDP ABS is in the market.
Exelon subsidiaries in the market.

02/14 Week News:

Canadian Arena in the market.
Parking deal price talk surfaces.
Electric company tapped the market.
Nordiqus priced its second USPP.
Container Terminal operator prices its first USPP.
Private People Moves: GSAM is hiring again.
Canadian rail operator priced its second USPP.
UK building materials company takes a larger deal.
Rick Petracca has passed away.
Canadian Airport tapped the market.
UK Toll Road done inside the price talk.
Canadian Port Terminal upped and priced.
Another District Heating company looking at the USPP market.
Electric Utility done at the price talk.

02/07 Week News:

Canadian Arena in the market.
Parking deal price talk surfaces.

Electric company tapped the market.
Nordiqus priced its second USPP.
Container Terminal operator prices its first USPP.
Private People Moves: GSAM is hiring again.
Canadian rail operator priced its second USPP.
UK building materials company takes a larger deal.
Rick Petracca has passed away.
Canadian Airport tapped the market.
UK Toll Road done inside the price talk.
Canadian Port Terminal upped and priced.
Another District Heating company looking at the USPP market.
Electric Utility done at the price talk.

01/31 Week News:

Swiss commodities trader makes a quick return.
French Fiber deal being shown to US investors.
Canadian hospital expansion project in the market.
Food Service company upped and priced.
BDC does another deal.
Container Terminal operator price talk emerges.
Arena deal price talk surfaces.
Cat Dealer upped and priced.
Arena deal in the market.
Swiss Pharmaceutical does its first USPP.

01/24 Week News:

UK food ingredients maker upped and priced.  
Specialty REIT returns.
Electric distribution company deal done at tight end of price talk.
Parking deal back in the market.
Mitie goes direct.
Container Terminal operator with its first USPP.
Food Service company deal priced.
UK building materials company back in the market.
Electric Utility in the market.


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