Breaking - PDP deals continue to get done... District heating sector is bringing more names to market... Big CTL launched... Mars returns... BDC's see no reason to stop issuing for the holidays... Project finance deal flow is producing some smaller deals, and lower credits, as well... Big Data Center transactions are seeing the light of day... Will we get a transaction from the Baltic States?... Solar deals are smaller and local... More port deals coming... October was busy with some $18.4bln done... Deloitte takes $1bln... Sydney Airport does much bigger deal... RR Engine deal goes tight... JRD takes $1.26bln... UK port deal priced.
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11/08 Week News:
Military Housing deal done.
Mexican company in the market with its first USPP.
Mortgage finance company upped and priced.
Car maker in the CTL market again.
Peruvian deal in the market.
Deloitte takes $1bln out of the market.
Private People Moves: Hanssen joins a new shop.
11/01 Week News:
Transmission company deal upped and priced.
New York Clean Power Holdings placed in three fundings.
Avangrid Opco’s priced via four agents.
Veolia transaction priced.
Electric Cooperative deal done.
Solar & Wind deal done.
Aircraft engine deal upped and priced.
Pennsylvania utility priced.
District energy and heating deals are coming more often.
ABP deal done as a single tranche.
RREEF name prices 1st USPP.
Bulk liquid storage company back for its 2nd USPP.
Canpotex Ltd deal priced.
Canadian rail operator priced its first deal.
Private People Moves: GSAM adds to the desk.
UK rolling stock deal priced.
NG transmission Holdco/Opco deal done.
People Moves: PPMAmerica is hiring.
10/25 Week News:
Deriva Energy deal priced.
Transmission company price talk surfaces.
Edinburgh airport deal priced.
UK gas company upped at the price talk.
Transmission utility transaction done.
Private People Moves: Evercore hires another from Goldman.
LNG project takes $1bln, could have done more.
Fast food chain does $750mm of 3s and 5s.
Private People Moves: HIMCO is hiring.
Military Housing deal in the market.
Deloitte price talk surfaces.
Peaking plant deal priced.
Sydney Airport upped and priced.
BDEBT coming into the market for its first USPP.
Pennsylvania utility price talk emerges.
UK measurement company priced.
Singaporean intermediate bulk container company launched.
Auto sales company priced.
Mortgage finance company price talk emerges.
10/18 Week News:
Electric Cooperative in the market.
Transmission company makes a quick return.
Housing association launches its first USPP.
RREEF name is back in the market.
Aircraft engine deal in the market.
Three Avangrid Opco’s launched.
Veolia Water sub is in the market.
Pennsylvania utility makes a quick return.
UK gas company price talk emerges.
Natl Rural Utils priced its first USPP.
Transmission utility price talk surfaces.
UK rolling stock deal price talk emerges.
Private People Moves: Mark Wang joins BAM.
Mortgage finance company in the market.
Swiss commodity trader upped and priced its first USPP.
Fast food chain price talk surfaces.
Port Arthur LNG price talk emerges.
Edinburgh airport in the market.
Canpotex Ltd launched.
ABP makes a quick return.
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